Zhineng Qigong Module 2: Body and Mind Method
1 September 2020
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27 October 2022Small Universe Qigong Meditation
The small universe circuit, also known as microcosmic orbit, is the path connecting the most important two meridians or energy channels in our bodies located on the back and front of our body.
The governing channel (blue colour path in the drawing), running along the spine and the head, connects with all yang channels that support all the internal organs and nervous system. The conception channel (yellow/ grey colour path in the drawing), running along the middle of the front of the body, connects with all Yin channels that support the glands and hormones. When the Governing channel and Conception channel connect, they activate the small universe circuit, which interconnects all the energy centres and meridians throughout our body.
Blockages in the energy centres along the Governing channel and Conception channel could result in serious harm. For example, a blockage in the heart energy centre could cause heart, lung, breast, chest, or intelligence problems; a blockage in the tailbone could cause reproductive organ problems, low sexual energy, and headaches; a blockage in the cervical vertebra C7 of the spinal cord could cause headaches, fever, diabetes, and lung and heart problems.
Small universe Qigong meditation could clear energy blockages and enhance the Qi flow along the small universe circuit. As a result, it assists in balancing and aligning the energy of the mind, body, and spirit.
Meditation time and duration
The Governing channel and Conception channel automatically connect four hours a day: at noon (11:00 am to 1:00 pm) and at midnight (11:00 pm to 1:00 am). Traditionally, Qigong practitioners like to meditate at midnight and at noon because it takes less energy and generates the greatest benefit. However, it may not be practical to stick with these time slots in modern life. You may get the benefits from small universe Qigong meditation for 30 minutes to 1 hour at any time of the day.
Meditation procedure
Techniques of small universe Qigong meditation include mental concentration and controlled breathing. You can practice this meditation on your own or be guided with chanting sounds.
For posture, you can choose to sit or lie down, whatever is most comfortable for you. Prepare yourself and then follow the steps below.
- Try to keep your spine straight without straining the back.
- Put your tongue against the upper palate to connect the Governing and Conception channels.
- Concentrate your mind in the lower Dantian (Point 1 of the Drawing), which is behind the navel.
- Inhale, visualizing an energy ball shining very brightly in your lower Dantian. Exhale, moving the energy to the Bladder (Point 2).
- Inhale, visualizing the energy radiating into the Bladder. Exhale, moving the energy to the Bottom of the torso (Point 3).
- In this way, the internal energy ball travels in the rhythm of your breathing, visiting all the 12 points shown in the Drawing, and finally returns to the Lower Dantian (Point 1).
- You can move the energy through the small universe circuit for as many rounds as you want. At the end, stop at the lower Dantian and visualize the energy as a ball moving clockwise inside the lower Dantian nine times. The energy ball gets smaller and smaller and finally hides deep in behind the navel. When finished, take a deep breath three times. Rub your hands. Massage your face. Comb your head with your fingers. Cup your head with your hands. Massage your ears. Move your head from left to right in a circular way six times, and then do it the other way six times.
A guided small universe Qigong meditation with Master Chunyi Lin from Spring Forest Qigong may help you better understand the procedures and strengthen your practice or book your Qigong class at Always Healthy and Happy.